About Us
Since 1964, Acorn Industries has grown to be a leader in providing cleaning and sterilization services across a wide variety of industries and applications — from medical devices and pharmaceuticals to aerospace, agricultural, automotive, electronics, military, and more.

With a proprietary process developed by our founder, Dr. Philip R. Austin — one of the world’s foremost cleanroom and contamination control experts — we provide clean container and closure solutions that are tailored to the individual needs of our customers.
History (continued)
Dr. Philip R. Austin, one of the original designers of the Laminar Flow Cleanroom that was most notably utilized by the Apollo 11 Space Mission, has been the driving force behind hundreds of other inventions and innovations that have collectively been changing the face of cleanrooms and contamination control across the globe for more than half a century. Whether you operate in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, Europe, China, Australia, or the Middle East, you are using and interacting with his cleanroom work.
We provide our customers with a vast variety of mission-critical containers and closures that their organizations can rely on to be ultra clean and particle free, delivered to their specifications, and ready-to-use.
All of the cleaning, sterilizing, testing, and packaging processes are completed in our state-of-the-art cleanroom facility, which was also designed by Dr. Austin, a registered Professional Engineer, internationally recognized cleanroom authority, legal expert witness, and prolific author.